Friday, November 30, 2007


1.Answer. D
In the case of XYZ Corp’s, Nashua, NH, facilities are two office buildings located 400 ft apart, each with it’s own LAN. To connect the two networks, I plan to dig a trench and lay cable in conduit between the two buildings. So, I would choose to use fiber – optic cable than what the manager wants, which is to use thinwire Ethernet. The best reason I can use to justify the use of fiber – optic cable in this case is that it leaves more room for growth and for future needs for increased bandwidth, than thinnet does.

2.Answer. B
Since, TVBCA is moving to new facilities. Its new campus includes 3 buildings with no more than 100 meters apart from each other. The network is to link the 3 buildings. The proposed solution is to use a fiber – optic cable to network the 3 buildings. The possible result does this solution delivers are the required result and only one of the two desired result because, a fiber – optic can support speeds of up to 100 mbps and secure as possible from electronic eavesdropping, and since this type of cable cost is expensive, TVBCA must have sufficient cost of the network.

3.Answer. A
In this case, the proposed solution of using category 5 UTP and hubs to connect all workstations, therefore is the common in most office building and other work environments, the same with the advertising firm. Since, the company plans to introduce video teleconferencing and e – mail capable and database application, the advertising firm must operate the network at speeds up to 100 mbps and since UTP helps to ensure consistent performance that adhere to its requirements. The proposed solution delivers the required results and both of the optional desired result because it needs to have a speed of 100 mbps to support the bandwidth of the network to have a fast access as possible and its easy to install wit high interference and it cost inexpensive.

4.Answer. B
In the case of XYZ Corp. that decides to bring mobile computing to their field engineers. And each field engineers is to be supplied with a laptop, a portable fax or printer and some kind of wireless devices. Since laptops and other handheld computers are now affordable and they want to have it from GTE Corporation, they can apply mobile computing which is capable of using broadcast and communication carries to send and receive signals using portable devices, and the standards start to come online which enable the field engineers to send e – mail and receive it from their employees and headquarters, So, the proposed solution delivers the required result and only one of the two desired results because it doesn’t emit no external signals that might be detected by any broadcast medium does.

5.Answer. A
In this case, wireless options do look very attractive in TVBCA who operates two building on other side of the river that crosses nearby, is a local cable company that acquire the right – of – way and to install a line between them. If we are going to install a set of 10 mbps point – to – point infrared laser wireless bridges for communication between the two buildings, therefore the proposed solution delivers the required result and both of the optional desired results because both buildings must have communication with 10 mbps point – to – point infrared laser wireless bridge enables to connect network up to 3 miles apart and the wireless connection must be secure from electronic eavesdropping, because a local cable company is next door to the 15 – story building, it must be resistant to electromagnetic interference caused by emissions from external devices such as transformers or electrical motors that can disrupt the network transmission over an infrared .

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


1. As what the XYZ corporation plans to hire 10 more in the next four months and they want that the users will work on multiple projects and only those users assigned to any one project should have access to the project files. I would choose server-based network in this case
because this network can handle anywhere from a handful to thousands of users, as such network grow to serve entire organizations to keep pare with an organization growth and expansion. The server-based network can centralized user accounts, security, and access controls simplify network administration. It has more powerful equipment means more efficient access to network resources. server based networking makes the most sense for networks with 10 or more users or any networks where resources are used heavily.

2. In this case, i would choose a peer to peer network for the Widgets,Inc. because all computers on such network are peers, this networks impose no certralized control over shared resources such as files or printers. Any in dividual machine can share its resources with any other computer on the same network, however and whenever its user chooses. In a peer to peer network, every user must also act as a network administrator. That is, each individual user controls access to the resources that resides on his or her machine. Users may give everyone else unlimited access to their resources, or they may grant restricted access to other network.

3. I would choose the server-based network, since the American Tool and Die company wants two locations to share a single data base, so that managers at each facility can exchange work orders and monitor inventory on demand. the server-based network will suit for this plan. Because this networks rely on special purpose computers called servers that provide centralized repositories for network resources and incorporate centralized security and access control that determine who can access what network privileges.

4.The specialized servers that the American Tool and Die need to install are Fax server and Data based server.